Thursday, July 8, 2010

How to Make an American Job Before It's Too Late

I received another little treasure in my in box this 
morning. The “Editor’s Note” from Filmmakers
Magazine, a really great publication for independent
film makers. The email referenced an opinion piece
in Bloomberg News by Andy Grove, a founder and
former Chairman of Intel Corporation. Andy is one
of my favorite people of all time, famous for his
GroveGrams and a great collection of books, my
favorite is "Only the paranoid survive."

Andy’s opinion piece, “How to Make an American
example of his intellect and vision. You should read
it. His writing got me thinking about a national
character trait that has really been bothering me
for years. No not bothering me, really pissing me

Remember the great .COM crash? What got us
there? Writing business plans so that you could float
an IPO, get rich and walk away. Sounds like
“Too Big to Fail”.

Who is still around from the .COM disaster and
thriving? Jeff Bezos the founder of Amazon, a
real business with a real business plan. I lost
track of how many times the “Wise Guys” wrote
Jeff off. He was focused on one thing, “It’s all
about the customer experience”. There are a
few others who believed in treating the customer
the right way…

Interestingly Meg Whitman ran eBay into the
ground and then walked away with all the money.

Thinking about this lack of vision for the future, lack
of team work, hell lack of ‘by partisanship’, reminded
me of an encounter I captured as a perfect NIKON
moment about a year ago.

Two strangers, walking along the Carmel Beach
on Saturday June 6, 2009, one was white, the
other was darker and they were completely
different in physical stature. They stopped, met
and displayed to me what life is really about.

Take a look at the exchange and tell me why
the USA is so completely polarized and driven
by selfish material motivations. Not everybody,
but far too many of us…

My very best regards

Click on photos to enlarge